Selected Presentations

Since leaving the academic life, I’ve found fewer opportunities to share my work in presentations. But it remains something I enjoy doing when given the chance.


Arduino 201 Beyond the basics with Arduino-compatible microcontrollers. Solid State Depot, Boulder CO [Talk]

Dealing with ignorance A seminar-style interview talk for PhET developer team on “any topic that interests me” [Talk]


Robots for Recycling: The First Weeks of AMP Robotics Boulder is for Robots Meetup talk [PDF]


Inferring modification of charm and beauty hadrons from simulated electron data Poster for Quark Matter 2014 (Darmstadt, Germany) [PDF]


The Future of Physics at RHIC APS Division of Nuclear Physics Annual Meeting (Newport News, VA) [PDF] Note: Adobe viewer required for animations.

Heavy quark diffusion in a hydrodynamically expanding medium: a Langevin dynamical calculation Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (Squaw Valley, CA) [PDF] Note: Adobe viewer required for animations.


Unfolding noisy measurements: solving discrete linear inverse problems PHENIX HHJ Meeting [PDF]

Particle Correlations from ALICE: Latest Results Quark Matter 2012 (Washington DC, USA) [PDF]

Hydrodynamic flow results from the Large Hadron Collider: the latest and greatest American Physical Society April Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [PDF]


Highlights from ALICE Pb-Pb results US LHC Users Meeting at Argonne National Lab (Chicago, IL) [PDF]

Harmonic decomposition of two particle angular correlations in Pb–Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV Seminar talk for Columbia University theory group (Irvington, NY) [PDF]

Harmonic decomposition of two particle angular correlations in Pb–Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (Tokyo, Japan) [PDF]

Triggered dihadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions from the ALICE experiment Quark Matter 2011 (Annecy, France) [PDF]

Dihadron correlations in the ALICE experiment Sixth International Workshop on High-p_T physics at the LHC (Utrecht, NL) [PDF]

Dihadron correlations at RHIC and the LHC with an update from the ALICE experiment Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (Winter Park, CO) [PDF]


Jet-triggered di-hadron correlations: Methodology, Interpretation and Results Hot Quarks (La Londe les Maures, France) [PDF]


Highlights from the PHENIX experiment RHIC/AGS Users’ Meeting (Upton, NY) [PDF]